Ionisation Gauges and Cathode
BA601/BA602/BA603 Nude and Glass Hot Cathode
These gauges are InstruTech's classic size nude and glass-enclosed resistive degas (I2R) or UHV EB-degas Bayard-Alpert (B-A) hot cathode ionization vacuum gauges with no onboard electronics
BA600 Mini IG Hot Cathode
BA600 is InstruTech's Miniature Ionization vacuum gauge sensor with no onboard controller. The InstruTech B-RAX 3400 controller is required to operate this gauge
CC600 Series Cold Cathode
CC600 series are InstruTech's cold cathode inverted magnetron vacuum gauge sensors with no onboard controller. The InstruTech B-RAX 3500 controller is required to operate this gauge.
CCM501 Cold Cathode ionization vacuum gauge
CCM501 Hornet is a miniature cold cathode double inverted magnetron ionization vacuum gauge module with a built-in controller and display.
CCM502 Hornet Cold Cathode
CCM502 Hornet is InstruTech's new cold cathode inverted magnetron ionization vacuum gauge module with a built-in controller.
IGM401 Hot Cathode Bayard-Alpert Miniature-Ionization Vacuum Gauge
The IGM401 Hornet ionization gauge sensor assembly is a compact, all metal design with either dual yttria coated iridium or tungsten filaments available.