The GP200 Series is the first fully (both inlet and outlet) pressure insensitive P-MFC, designed specifically for semiconductor applications. The GP200’s unique differential pressure technology, coupled with its downstream valve architecture enables the most precise process gas delivery over the widest range of operating conditions in the industry.
Downstream valve architecture. Precise, more repeatable gas flow delivery with matched transient response.
GP200 Series is unaffected by varying back-pressures from pulsed gas injection, mixing manifolds and flow splitter sub-assemblies. The exclusive downstream valve architecture allows error to be independent of downstream pressure by isolating the laminar flow element and ΔP sensor from downstream cross-talk (pressure variations), enabling flow delivery into downstream pressures as high as 1200 Torr.
With no variable internal volume of gas to deplete, the downstream valve enables rapid shutdown and switching of recipe setpoints for pulsed gas delivery. Transient variations can lead to film thickness variations as well as electrical variations.
The matched transient response with fast step-downresponse removes long bleed-down time delays when transitioning to low-flow setpoints (removes “tail effects”).